Wednesday, April 14, 2010

2 days at G-NEXT

Hmm..... Went for course held at G-NEXT on sat & sun ^^
Erm... it is so called a EDP program (Entrepreneur Development Program). WEll, actually i'm kinda excited with this course but a bit tired and lazy cuz plan to go PISA for PC Fair. But C , i've contribute my time to u G-NEXT ~ wahahahaha!!
Well, this whole program is about planning , how to be a entreprenuer , u wanna b a employee or employer? , macam macam mia topic. But, the FUN part is we gotto play too ^^ - BREAKTHRU GAME , TALENT PERFORMANCE, DANCE and so on. The worst part is , ERGHHHH ~ I've have to dance infront of 20 ppl v my team * really SWT99 *. In my life time , i never dance infront of ppl when DAY TIME ^^ - CLUBBING also never!! YOu have to dance v stranger and ooohhh- one word SIA SOI !! It cant deny , its FUN , i can't imagine i do dance infront of those ppl. WE have to perform, dance, SHOUT our group SLOGAN , lol - thats my 1st time too.
Luckily i have a wonderful teamate which r JOEY, LI PENG, XIAO KANG and ME of cuz *-
* .JOEY is pretty, LI PENG is cute , XIAO KANG is funny. I really do enjoy this 2 days, I learn a lots of things , sharing , I know what i want, at least i know i'm BRAVE ~ lol.
Thanks G_NEXT, Thanks my boss(Mr.Thum) - it really bring me joy ^^ - keep iup
Well i have some photo , the rest of the photo have to get it from G_NEXT and i'll update soon *_*
This is MDM OH & Her Husband (is our lecturer at first day)
This Is Mr. Yee. He really bring us alot of fun..

Mr. Toeh is quit serious lecturer, so whn he is lecture,will feel like wana fall in slp. Forgive me!!

Cocentrate =.= (sleep abig)

Group sharing

Our Dancer - Jason.. (leng zai leh!!) huhux.. ^^
Yohoo~~ Let's Fun!!!
After take photo, we have a fun. Dance, Sing, Game...That really is a meaningfull weekend.Tomorrow back to office sure tired like a prawn, Wakaka.....