Monday, February 8, 2010

I LoVe Shopping

Dating with my 2lovely friends( khee & manda)
Actly plan to watch movie, bcoz of alot of ppl, so we din't watch at the end.
Havin breadfast at KIM GARY with manda, then start shoping.
3pm amanda got facial with her sis at herbaline,
So im waiting khee at Winter warmer,
We chat til 6sumthing kar back home.
I bought a new shoe... Wakaka....... NOT A HIGHT HILL SHOE neh!!!
Dardar very surprise on this, hehex....(bcos im hight hill shoe fans mah)

Picture will be upload soon...


  1. 睡衣 ,
    Thks to reading my blog!!! hehe...
    will hard workin to upload everyday!!

  2. 在这个世纪,有越来越多种疾病。而当中有些疾病导致了女人无法怀孕或导致了男人无法产精。但是也有很多的方法来解决。我本身就推荐了一家乌克兰名叫彼奥的代孕中心。他们的价格不止经济而且服务非常好。基本上,他们现在的客户什么国家都有。妈妈们,可以选择这家彼奥中心哦~~而且医院不只帮助有需要的人得到幸福,他们也支持国家运动员并推广自己的生意。真心不错!
