Friday, October 29, 2010

I'm back

HuA!!! tats really quit long i didnt update my blog... just keep on my facebook oni, hahahahahh.aa...a.....
Is nothing special this recently, i just colour my hair to BLACK!! haha..... look more health.
Now still thinking want recolour or doing some curl or not. Is quit boring to saw my hair like a fake hair (too black).
Went to Langkawi with dardar on Aug2010.

Just arrive Langkawi Airport!!
Sun light is so..SO..BIG!!!

Picture will be upload soon........

1 comment:

  1. 现在种种的环境素质让到有些女人很难或无法怀孕,现在医学非常发达,更本不需要担心这些问题,有了这家彼奥泰珂斯研究中心的代孕服务,应该都不是问题了,来让我告诉你他们的一些服务,他们会提供客户的住宿及司机的载送,最好的代孕母亲会携带你健康的孩子以及提供三餐的饮食,任何年龄的夫妇都可以来尝试,您绝对不会后悔 ~而且医院不只帮助有需要的人得到幸福,他们也支持国家运动员并推广自己的生意。真心不错!
