Wednesday, August 1, 2012

◡‿◡✿ JuLY *∩_∩*

Been a months didnt updated jor >.<
Its really a busy months.. full of job appointment here.
Work with SHULING for CIBMALL promoter on the 1st weekend of July.

Not forgot to enjoy food while working too.. YAM RICE chai leng park, b'worth.
My ♥ ~~ Shuling babe 1st try ^^
Planing to Raja Uda for Tom Yam on the night time de, but its too late when we finish job & oso havin a bad weather. Nvr dear, bring u thr nextime ya ;) Promise ∩_∩

Art Work - Temporary billboard & Streamer

my very 1st time to join this kind of company and can learn those thing that i nvr try before.

Work hard to guarantee my future life!!
Money not everything, but if u don't hv it, U will hv nothing.

1 comment:

  1. 我结婚已经快要5年多了,但总是没能生育,天天想着要怎么样才能让这家庭圆满又快乐,忽然一天一位朋友告诉我,现在医学非常的发达,你可以选择一家的代孕服务,他们的服务可说是超级棒,他们会提供你非常漂亮又舒适的住宿以及提供司机的载送,彼奥泰珂斯研究中心~而且医院不只帮助有需要的人得到幸福,他们也支持国家运动员并推广自己的生意。真心不错!
