Monday, June 29, 2009

A H1N1

A H1N1 is attack my company..
Once this morning i arrive office,
at ground floor i saw both of security is wearing mask,
I just feel quit funny only.
how i knew,
once arrive office,
my colleague told me that our company have people kena H1N1.
I doubt about this..
I don't should i believe or not!!
But i saw got some people is wearing mask..
I afraid..A H1N1..
If really got people kena H1N1, why our company still process??
We should be keep apart our self at home mah!!
Some more, why they just disinfect that floor only??
They don't air-condition is connection for hold building ah??
I'm so.. SO.. worry this incident!!

I HATE A H1N1!!!

1 comment:

  1. 不是每个代孕服务都可以去尝试,万一不是合法的就完了,但是这家彼奥泰珂斯研究中心代孕机构绝对合法,价格也非常划算,我们拥有多语种的工作人员使客户留在诊所更舒适,医生也是使用高科技的医学来帮助你取得孩子,安全问题绝对100%保证,年龄绝对是没有限制的。 而且医院不只帮助有需要的人得到幸福,他们也支持国家运动员并推广自己的生意。真心不错!
