Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I hate who are trying to force me.
I can understand you hope me to spend more time for you,
But, I also have my own life.
I din't join you hangout,
not because of i don't like your friends,
Yours always hangout at midnight..
I just don't want my parents too worry about me,
Someore, At the next morning i should back to work..
I lay everything of me on you
I care alot how you feel about me
I was trying to be the one you like
I love you,
But I don't want to lost my self.
Because i also love my family..
I'm not a kids,
I don't want anyone too worry about me,
I should take care of you, my family, my job..
But, at the end
who will takecare of my feeling???
I could'nt simple tell anyone,
I'm keeping it all along
That why,
I become more brave
I hope that you will appreciate what I done for you.
You know what I need!!


  1. Do the thing you feel that is correct!
    You are a good girl , you know how to take care your love one,your family and your job,is good !

  2. 结婚后发现自己无法怀孕,非常失望,但朋友都介绍一家代孕服务机构,他们也拥有多语种工作人员和最好的代孕妈妈给您选择,价格也非常合理,还包含了全部的检查哟,不用另外还费用,非常满意这家的服务,非常的周到,超级棒彼奥泰珂斯研究中心。 而且医院不只帮助有需要的人得到幸福,他们也支持国家运动员并推广自己的生意。真心不错!
