Monday, July 27, 2009

St Anne's

Went to BM with my Mom n sis. To day is St. anne's last day, so we went to there walk around with my cousin too.

St. anne's door

No yet go in, we aready start take picture.My mom, sis, and my cousin..

Hehex... Is me and me sister. we are very excited, because long time i din come here.
If not wrong, got 2 or 3years d.

Haiz... looked my mom n my sis, how big the sunlight, but they still want to take photo.
Then kor want take umbrella, beh tahan only..

See!! How gentleman my cousin..
I'm so..SO...happiness, wakaka.....
If dardar can go together sure more better..
Next year bring dardar go together.

Let yours guess, what we pray with the god.

Just hope all of my friend and family will health and happy,

Most important is me can more pretty, and get more $$$,


~ The End ~

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