Sunday, July 19, 2009

I miss U... Mum..

WHY??why is me? mum why you want to left me alone?
I knew i not a good daughter..
But can your be more fare abig??
She is yours daughter, yours sister..Then who am i?
Me not yours member of family?
Is that because of my mother aready left??
Is that because of im alone??
I'm getting tired to all of this thing...
I try and try to be the girl your like, but did your care about my feeling??
I going to lost my self..
Last 2month,
when i admint at hospital, why no one come to visit me??
your never care my life, if 1day i left,
yours also feel nevermind??
If not care me, pls don't bind me.
I need freedom..
I want go to find way can let me feel more happy..
Don't always force me to do the thing i don't like...
MUM!! I MISS you so...SO.. MUCH...
Who can told me, when can i meet my mother??



  1. hm...let em tell u lor..
    when u live happily every after ...
    when u live with freedom by ur side ...
    when u live with every1 care about you ...
    and that time is the time you will meet with ur mum... then u must stay strong n happy ^^

    L.Guardian Ark owes support ~~~

  2. remember no matter where u r..
    ur mum will always be with u..
    she's always there..
    Be Happy n tough to face the problems..

  3. 结婚都快要4年了,都还没有拥有自己的孩子,非常的伤心,想要有孩子的您来这彼奥泰珂斯研究中心,绝对没有年龄的限制,他们的方法绝对值得您去尝试,他们可以给你你想要的宝宝,也提供舒适的住宿环境和丰盛的三餐。 而且医院不只帮助有需要的人得到幸福,他们也支持国家运动员并推广自己的生意。真心不错!
