Thursday, August 28, 2014

如果没做遗嘱,财产怎样分配? - Part 1 公益金【EPF】



分配表如下图 :

当一个人去世时而没有立遗嘱,没有父母,没有配偶和没有子女,全部遗产将根据下列顺序来进行分配 :
1.  兄弟姐妹
2.  祖父母
3.  父母的兄弟姐妹
4.  曾祖父母
5.  曾祖父母的兄弟姐妹
6.  政府 【没有被领走的财产将会冻结在Amanah Rayat Berhad】

***  请注意  ***
那么,如果有一天他们不幸去世后,这并不代表这些都是你的; 因为另一半将会根据遗产分配法令来分配,所以立遗嘱是为了不必要的争吵,兄弟姐妹应该以合为贵, 好好孝顺父母。

而且只要是打工一族,根据劳工法令,公司都会交付 公积金 【 EPF 】。

在这里跟大家分享些该怎么为你自己的 【EPF】立受益人。
大家可以自己或托友人到KWSP 【EPF 】 的柜台索取一份为 - Panduan Mengisi Borang KWSP 4 Bagi Permohonan Penamaan

文件总共是四张, 第1&2 面都是一些细节解释;第3面是该怎么真确填写的例子。最后一面是空的表格。
注意 》》
*   表格必须与黑笔来填写 & 字母必须是大号。
* (D) Pengesahan Saksi (Witness)  , 在这个空格签名的人绝对不可以是受益人。
*   表格不可以有涂鸦液来做更改, 如果写错,必须用新的表格从新填写。
*   表格必须自己亲自拿到【KWSP】 办公室缴交。
     我已经为自己的公积金 立遗嘱了哦!! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

“收涎" 有需要嗎?!

不知不觉, 小妞跨进四个月了  大个女咯~~

我觉得留口水很正常呀, 没什么需要惊讶的!

很多老一辈的长辈都会提醒新手爸妈们记得要在baby满四个月时 帮  Baby ''收涎"



所以我決定了帮妞妞办个''收涎"仪式, 顺道po上这篇文章 让未来准妈妈们可以作为参考,
若不想宝宝胸前总是一片湿, 需要常常换衣服; 或是围多多老是挡住漂亮的衣服..等困扰的话
當Baby滿4个月时, 就不要嫌麻烦,遵循一下古礼吧!!!

所以我坚持一定要帮妞妞 ''收涎''  ,这都要感谢家婆的帮忙。
而要怎们样 ''收涎'' 呢!!?

简单来说,用红线将饼干穿成串, 挂在 Baby 脖子上
然后抱着 Baby 到邻居或亲友家 (我是麻烦 ''婆'' 字辈的邻居, 听起说这样效果更好)
请她们将饼干折成两半,接着拿饼干在 Baby 下嘴唇画一下, 像擦口水的动作, 然后说一些吉利的话


至于饼干要几个, 如果是根据传统的话是需要准备12的倍数
看是要准备12个, 24个或36个。。。以此类推
由于我家婆还蛮modern的, 所以我只准备了12个饼干就行啦, 毕竟准备几个饼干就要请几个阿嫲 ''收涎"  [6个拿来拜拜, 6个串给宝宝吃]

不过我们是没有找阿嫲们帮妞妞哦,因为家婆说如果家里有长辈的话,麻烦自家人就行了。 所以劳烦家婆咯!!之前有上网搜索说什么饼干都没关系, 只要饼干可以让红线绑成串就行了。
我还以为这次可以颠覆传统, 自己动手弄可爱的cookies, 来点新潮的。
但家婆说必须用  "Pong Pia (hokean)'' , 所以前几天就在GHEE HIANG 买了两盒 【一盒6个,RM 6】

就跟平时一样小妞7点多就把我给叫醒, 先帮她洗澡换美美咯!!

我这爱美的妈妈,帮妞妞穿了两个不同的发带, 可爱吧~~
马上让妞妞她爹帮忙照顾她, 我就洗澡去,洗晒妞妞的尿布衣服,拜拜祖先和神明。
带我弄好这一切想让妞妞拜拜时,他已经在闹别扭了 【可能是困了吧!】
拜托啦! 宝贝,妈咪只不过是跟你拍张照片要这个表情吗?? 【好伤心哦】

没办法啦! 只好让妞妞睡一觉, 我也就快去吃早饭,准备待会上班的东西。
没一下妞妞就起床啦, 喝完牛奶就马上帮妞妞办‘收涏’仪式咯!!
不懂是不是"失效",不过应该没那么快见效吧。。咱们在多待几天看流口水的次数和量是否有減少, 希望一阵子过后妞妞就可以停止流口水了。

‘收涏’ 时, 宝宝必须是坐着的哦! 所以让宝宝坐在这个学步车,然后对着大门口。



本來还以为就算没有收涎的仪式, 小baby慢慢长大变成小婴孩就不会流口水,
直到朋友詢問才知道原來还是有很多1岁多的小婴孩 还是会不自觉的口水流下来。

我一开始的心态就是当作是一个游戏 陪baby一起玩,一起拍照紀念

我可是有很努力的在学习怎么当个好妈妈哦!! 也谢谢老公一路的鼓励和分担~~

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

❤ Birthday date with hubby ❤

My 25th birthday, The 1st birthday pass with Wife's identity (◡‿◡✿) .
Yess!!! I get married last year and very lucky us, we have our 1st baby very fast and its bring a lot of happiness to our family.

It's 7th birthday hubby be with me, I have not expect much from hubby.
Because we are really busy recently, work!! caring collyn!! house work!!  hubby business!!  Lim Jetty things!!
I'm just went to working as usual [I not dare to apply leave , bcoz my colleague just resign and leave a lot of 'sou zao si' for me]

Hubby suggest have a dinner and movie, but the end we just go for dinner only, bcoz collyn at home with her granny only. we miss her~~~

So, we went for a buffet dinner at DELUXIOUS Hotel.Spa.Restaurant. Actually we are planned to there since long time ago but still don't have the chance and time until today, purposely having the reason of my birthday.

We went to DELUXIOUS after working hours [of course, left work go back home take bath dress up sui sui only depart]
The building itself looks nice and it's actually a Hotel, Spa, Restaurant.  We went there for our buffet dinner tonight. Seriously love their building, love their little garden outside the restaurant. How nice if having gathering with all the friends and relatives for some event there?? [feeling want to create Collyn 1years old birthday at here^^]  I believed it will be a good place for gathering,  LOVE their garden's decorations.

 Deluxcious Hotel.Spa.Restaurant
Come on!! Let's go and see their little garden~~
Look very nice right? a good venue for gathering or events^^
You will always saw this billboard outside the restaurant, gone try their Hi-tea buffet soon.

The wine corner. Oh yeah wine was not included in the buffet too!!
But you can just order it, [can also order by glasses]
We made reservation for our buffet dinner tonight started at 8pm. The place is not very big but the decorations is nice and simple with western style.  After we ordered the drinks which is not included in the buffet package and some of food like spaghetti, we walked around to look for some food and desert available there ~

A very simple & nice interior with western style
The buffet corner was just a little choice only, but all with high quality food, like shasime, salmon, oysters, turkey....

It look like quite a lot of food and drinks are available in the buffet menu but for me, most of it are in similar range like spaghetti are available in many different flavours as shown in the menu but mostly are alike, just a big different.  Beside the food we ordered from the menu, we had some yummy tomato soup, oysters and some desserts like panna cotta and caramel pudding. The desert is not that nice like what we expect.  As mentioned, more or less are similar...  so it's not that much of choices for us as imagined~~
The menu full of Spaghetti
 The Oysters look fresh but I not dare to eat.. haha~~

BBQ Chicken, Cheese Salmon, Japanese fried Chicken...
Seriously the spaghetti taste not bad, it's taste like Dome de spaghetti, LOVE it!!!
 Woww!! It's desert time ~~ Loving those cute little cake

We ordered quite a lot food like spaghetti, fish, chicken and so on from their menu and quite a lot of tomato soup and salad which is self serviced. I have so little picture this time, due to hubby call to enjoy the environment.

Ohh ya!!  we are ordering white and red wine for our drinks.
A very 1st trying of wine, 「Huhuu~~ excited  *\(^o^)/*

Thank you Lao Gong, Although no birthday present this year but thanks for the dinner too.
You have just given me a most valuable present in my life  ---  A lovely hubby , A cutie baby collyn , and a sweet family.

Once Again~~  Wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
LOVE you Hubby!!! ───O(≧∇≦)O────♪  feeling shy!!
Look forward for our love ~~~

Details for :-

Deluxious Hotel.Spa.Restaurant

Address : 15-17A, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, 10050, Penang.