Sunday, September 27, 2009

Why is me???

Dardar Date me watching movie at this wed,
But bcos THE GIRL, dardar cancel our dating,
Actly is bcos Dardar de friend date us go shopping together,
What to do??
I should go what..
I don't have power to contro THE GIRL admire dardar,
I also don't have any excuse don't want to join them..
But who can noe how pain my heart?
She trying to close with dardar..
She always ignore my exsit..
I don't understand,
WHY!! Why is me??
Hold world got how many Billion guy,
Why is my dardar???
Who can told me what action should i take now??
Dardar know my feeling,
But he also din take any action,
Izit he feel im so small gas??
Or he enjoy the feeling when got other girl admire him??
I don't want he not happy,
So.. My dicision is,
I will join them at this wednesday..
Ruby.. just go it!!

Dardar, I hope my decide is correct.
Don't let me feel disappointed again..

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Who can told me what to do??
I receive dardar call last night before i sleep,
Dardar uncle pass away last9,
Is cancer,
Cancer took away his life..
I can't imagine how sad dardar...
and dardar farther,
I duno how to console him??
I want go meet up with dardar,
But he going to him uncle house d..
I also told dardar tomorrow nonit infetch me to work.
Darling, Gambateh!!!
Dun worry, i will alwas beside u..
If u need ppl accompany,
Just drop a cal for me,
U still got me..
Hope dardar would't feel down anymore.
Take good care of him self

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Working... working and working..
I duno what my life left,
After working,still need training,
I dun have time to do the thing i like,
another one thing is MONEY..
I not love Money,
But I'm human,
I need money to maintain my life..
Somemore i plan next year to buy my own car.
I'm diffrent with other people,
There parents is rich,
can give anything what they need and request,
I'm diffrent,
If i need something,
I should done it my self..
no one will simple give me the thing i need.
If after read my blog,
You feel i'm talking about you,
I'm so sry,
I really don't have any meaning.
Just want to say
Appreciate what you have.....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ice Cream

Can't remember how long din eat ice cream.
I miss MISS the taste when ice cream melt inside my tongue.
That feeling hard to explaint.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm Sorry Darling

I'm a very VERY UNCIVILIZED girl friend.
Dardar done all of the thing that i hope, and which he can done.
This period i feel dardar is very unhappy, and not very health,
I'm so sorry because din't take care of you,
I know i always put all of my time at my job,
Dardar, can u forgive me??

I'm afraid,
Scare 1day you will giveup.
How hard we maintain our relationship..
Not only 1 or 2 month.. aready more then 4yrs..
You always say we must appreciate each other..
I know... I really know..

While left work,
I go bought KFC to dardar family.
Then went to flower shop buy FLOWER..
Is for Dardar.. Every time dardar present for me, now is my turn..
I bought Red Rose,
OH no...
Traffic very jam at the time,
When arrive dardar house aready 7pm++
I pass the food for dardar mummy,
Then i put the flower at Dardar bed room.

^^ Hope dardar will happy with all of the thing i done for him..


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Miss You

Long time ago din go my grandmum house..
Duno She got miss me ah!!
I miss her so..SO... MUCH,
So plan tomorrrow will go visit her.
and stay 1 night at there, bcos monday public holiday mah!!
Sure grandmum will happy de, Hehex...

Wait me oh!! my lovely Grandmum..