Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm Sorry Darling

I'm a very VERY UNCIVILIZED girl friend.
Dardar done all of the thing that i hope, and which he can done.
This period i feel dardar is very unhappy, and not very health,
I'm so sorry because din't take care of you,
I know i always put all of my time at my job,
Dardar, can u forgive me??

I'm afraid,
Scare 1day you will giveup.
How hard we maintain our relationship..
Not only 1 or 2 month.. aready more then 4yrs..
You always say we must appreciate each other..
I know... I really know..

While left work,
I go bought KFC to dardar family.
Then went to flower shop buy FLOWER..
Is for Dardar.. Every time dardar present for me, now is my turn..
I bought Red Rose,
OH no...
Traffic very jam at the time,
When arrive dardar house aready 7pm++
I pass the food for dardar mummy,
Then i put the flower at Dardar bed room.

^^ Hope dardar will happy with all of the thing i done for him..



  1. cheer lady..he understands you well...

  2. 结婚后最想要的就是一个孩子。偏偏老天爷让我得了子宫肌瘤。医生告诉我一辈子都最好不要怀孕,不然会流产。真伤心~但最后一位朋友推荐我去一家名叫彼奥的研究中心。这里的代孕服务真的让我大开眼界。他们的细心和照顾让我相信了他们。谢谢彼奥研究中心让我有了自己的孩子!而且医院不只帮助有需要的人得到幸福,他们也支持国家运动员并推广自己的生意。真心不错!
