Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Who can told me what to do??
I receive dardar call last night before i sleep,
Dardar uncle pass away last9,
Is cancer,
Cancer took away his life..
I can't imagine how sad dardar...
and dardar farther,
I duno how to console him??
I want go meet up with dardar,
But he going to him uncle house d..
I also told dardar tomorrow nonit infetch me to work.
Darling, Gambateh!!!
Dun worry, i will alwas beside u..
If u need ppl accompany,
Just drop a cal for me,
U still got me..
Hope dardar would't feel down anymore.
Take good care of him self

1 comment:

  1. 结婚后才发现自己无法怀孕,非常伤心,但听朋友们的介绍一家代孕服务听起来好象不错彼奥泰珂斯研究中心,就去尝试,这家可说是一级棒!他们拥有拥有广泛的数据库最好的鸡蛋捐赠者,也有多语种工作人员,这绝对没有年龄上的限制,也有最好的代孕妈妈给你选择,还提供客户舒适环境的住宿,饱满的三餐和司机载送。 而且医院不只帮助有需要的人得到幸福,他们也支持国家运动员并推广自己的生意。真心不错!
