Thursday, September 25, 2014

ღ 20 Fact about ME ღ


'20 facts about me'  was tagged by my friends at Wechat. Well, that's a good way to let your know more about me!!
关于我的‘标签’ 是在wechat被朋友标签的。

1.   Oh NOOo(o)o   I'm 25 this year. 今年 25岁了。

2.    I’m a middle child and I have 3 elder Brother and 1 younger sister.
       我有3位哥哥,与一位妹妹, 我是排行在中间。

3.   I'm just step to a Married life last year with the guy who stay my side over then 7 years .

4.   I  have a cute daughter now, which is only 5mths old plus.
      我们拥有了个很可爱的女儿,并且刚满5个月 (◡‿◡✿)

5.   I have a lovely hubby which  meet each other over then 10years times. We have a close friendship before we fall in love with each other.
6.   I don't eat or drink anything coffee🍵 related, I like the smell But i can't really drink it, It's make me feel dizzy and nausea.
      虽然很喜欢,但我还没办法喝/吃任何与咖啡🍵有关联的东西, 因为它们会让我感到极度的不舒服。

7.   I do well on cook and baking ,I always share those pretty result to my friends💞.
      我很喜欢也很厉害烹饪🍜🍩, 认识我的朋友应该都吃过我煮的食物/蛋糕哦!

8.   I have 2 sweet family and a pair of sweet + lovely parents in law who treat me as a own daughter.

9.  You will never know I can play piano well •¨•.¸¸
       你并不懂原来我的钢琴弹得还不错 •¨•.¸¸

10.   I'm work at a advertising company.  我在一间广告公司上班。

11.    I love korean foods 【Especially :  Kimchi and BarBQ Meat !!】 yummmmm~~~
 大爱 韩国餐 【尤其是 泡菜和烤肉 】

12.   I consider my self a ZizaPoh . [ I'm really a talkative lady, I can talk nonsense  non stop if u close with me. U will never know Teacher sticker my mouth with tape while I'm in primary school, Shyy~~] 我实在是很 ' 吉咋’ ,只要是认识熟络的朋友我都可以天南地北的谈一通。

13.  Although I have four ears hole, but I ever wear earing. I feel its not suit me.
14.   I like Spaghetti and western food so much, But I still need to eat rice every day. [I feel out of energy if I'm not taking rice] 虽然我很爱意大利面和西餐, 但我每天依然需要吃饭。

15.   I don't like Rude people and who's like to showoff  [ Especially who are spending their parents $, not earning by their self ]   我不喜欢傲慢的人 【尤其是花父母$ 的人】
16.  I helping hubby to manage his own Business for freelance [ Boat Ride Service, Lim Jetty, Optical Shop & My own online fashion store ]

 17.  I lose my Mum while I'm only 5mths old, But I have a great step mother who giving us a well care too.在我5个月大时就失去了亲生母亲,但也因为这样拥有了一位不错的续母。
 18.  I promise my self, Travel once a year is a MUST!!
       曾经答应自己,每年都必须去旅行 【远近都没关系】

19.  I have a younger sister which is different mother with me, But we are super close & lovely sister.
20.  No doubt Pls!!! I'm take care my baby my self , except : working hour only.

It that enough for you to know more about me??
现在, 对我够了解了吗??

1 comment:

  1. 我有一位朋友因有不孕症,因此去试了代理孕母机构,彼奥泰珂斯研究中心这家公司的代孕服务,价格和效果非常的好,愿意花时间去尝试代孕的她,终于成功让她拥有了自己的孩子,一家团圆让她非常开心,赶紧来看看我们的网站。 而且医院不只帮助有需要的人得到幸福,他们也支持国家运动员并推广自己的生意。真心不错!
