Monday, July 27, 2009

St Anne's

Went to BM with my Mom n sis. To day is St. anne's last day, so we went to there walk around with my cousin too.

St. anne's door

No yet go in, we aready start take picture.My mom, sis, and my cousin..

Hehex... Is me and me sister. we are very excited, because long time i din come here.
If not wrong, got 2 or 3years d.

Haiz... looked my mom n my sis, how big the sunlight, but they still want to take photo.
Then kor want take umbrella, beh tahan only..

See!! How gentleman my cousin..
I'm so..SO...happiness, wakaka.....
If dardar can go together sure more better..
Next year bring dardar go together.

Let yours guess, what we pray with the god.

Just hope all of my friend and family will health and happy,

Most important is me can more pretty, and get more $$$,


~ The End ~

Dardar ah!!!
Why people take picture, then you curicuri pose at my back??
Aiyoyo~~ u ah!! Cu+E loh!!!
I like it!!
Erm~~ Mu@cKz....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I miss U... Mum..

WHY??why is me? mum why you want to left me alone?
I knew i not a good daughter..
But can your be more fare abig??
She is yours daughter, yours sister..Then who am i?
Me not yours member of family?
Is that because of my mother aready left??
Is that because of im alone??
I'm getting tired to all of this thing...
I try and try to be the girl your like, but did your care about my feeling??
I going to lost my self..
Last 2month,
when i admint at hospital, why no one come to visit me??
your never care my life, if 1day i left,
yours also feel nevermind??
If not care me, pls don't bind me.
I need freedom..
I want go to find way can let me feel more happy..
Don't always force me to do the thing i don't like...
MUM!! I MISS you so...SO.. MUCH...
Who can told me, when can i meet my mother??


Thursday, July 16, 2009


Hey!! all girl,Did your sign up the SKII questionnairs?? Very easy, just fill up all questionnairs, they will email the voucher for you.Print it out and go to Gurney redemption free 30ml facial treatment essence.
I aready get it oh!! Once i left work, I went to Gurney Plaza with my colleague.
We go SKII counter to get our 30ml bottle神奇水.
So...SO.. happy that i can get SKII.

HEI GIRL!! go to sign up^^
After that we when to Chopper board to heavin our diner.

Nick is concentrate to eat her chopper sup.But me n joey just busy to take picture, hehex...
Going to back hom after diner, take pictur again....and again....

After payment for crpark, then we going to tak car now.. Going to back home..


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Hair Style~~


I go make digital hair purm by last weekend.
I LOVE digital purm so much!! Dardar say n!cE too, ^^happy~
We are ontheway back home after left work.Will going to Queensbaymall later.
I bougth each cloth and hotpant at PADINI.
Because got sale mah!!
I meet the girl who are bully me at NS.She is my secondary school classmate,
I not hate her, but i hope she can explant to me why she want betray me.
I hate the life when at NS, since like HELL.

Going to birthdy next month, Don't Dardar will give me what surprise.
I knew Dardar sure will bring a BIG!! BIG!! surprise for me de.
Dardar.. I waiting for you oh!!

meaningful weekend

This satday my cousin came my house to stay.
Both of them is so Cu+E..
This is a first time they stay at outside withought stick with my aunt.
GMG!!! satday night, hold night i can't sleep well, because the little young cousin she is crying at the midnight, because too miss my aunt.. Feel so pity with her, so... I hug her until she fall in sleep again.
Actully next morning, want bring them go Youth Park, But still raining.
So just let thm drawing..Look the face they are concentrate to drawing, that is so.. SO Cu+E. Evening 5 something, my aunt come to infetch them.
Hope next week, my aunt will sent them come again, LOVE them so much!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New Nail Colour

Shopping!! SHOPPING!!!!
Went to gurney with Darar last night, actually want go night market de, But heaving a heavy rain before we hang out. So just go stroll at gurney..
Let's !! show your, I bought my new nail colour at SKIN FOOD( actually is Dardar pay ).

I so.. SO.... love this colour(gold). Dardar, Thankz oh!!! erm~ MUACKS..
After that we when to Nando's restaurant to heaving our diner.

Look ^^^^ my Dardar is buzy to heaving him food. I curi curi take this picture, he also duno. After diner still raining, so we continue to stroll at gurney.

MJ Launching

Last sunday, i went to PGM to saw the program MJ Launching.
Before that i go Sungai Nibong to fetch my friend, she just come back from hometown,
We din't go eat, straight away go PGM...
But we are late, when we arrive mall, the lunching aready end..
So just take a chance to take some picture.After that we go eat some food.
And go meet with my Dardar while( he is working )
To day back home quit early, because i so miss my bed.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

This curl hair is i make my self.
I feel quit nice, maybe end of the month will go make japanese purm oh!!
But not sure yet, because too much commitment aready, haiz... So pity..

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I hate who are trying to force me.
I can understand you hope me to spend more time for you,
But, I also have my own life.
I din't join you hangout,
not because of i don't like your friends,
Yours always hangout at midnight..
I just don't want my parents too worry about me,
Someore, At the next morning i should back to work..
I lay everything of me on you
I care alot how you feel about me
I was trying to be the one you like
I love you,
But I don't want to lost my self.
Because i also love my family..
I'm not a kids,
I don't want anyone too worry about me,
I should take care of you, my family, my job..
But, at the end
who will takecare of my feeling???
I could'nt simple tell anyone,
I'm keeping it all along
That why,
I become more brave
I hope that you will appreciate what I done for you.
You know what I need!!